Let's Make November

It's November 1st, and only four weeks of school remain! It's been a demotivating term, and I'm ready to get the hell out of here. Our winter break is a week longer this year, and it'll be nice to be in the city again. And then I'll only have THREE classes until I graduate! I plan to use the free time in my schedule to teach myself instead of parking my butt in classes run by bored, droning professors. I'll also be volunteering more often, if they'll have me :)

But before I get there, here are my goals for making the most out of November:

1. Read at least eight books, half of what's left in my Goodreads challenge! (Yes, I set the bar really low. I also started it late summer.)
2. Read more picture and children's books. Celebrate Picture Book Month!
3. Shelf read half of the fiction section. I finished the picture books on Monday!

4. Finally start a book I checked out a few weeks ago on evaluating children's literature.
5. Explore holiday books (not just Christmas). I failed with Halloween on this one :(
6. Blog at least once a week. Document more thoughts on the books I've read.
7. Get a Eugene Public Library card...after three years.
8. Create at least one genre booklist for Edison. First up is probably fantasy.

Let'sssssss go!

POSTED BY Charmaine Ng

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